Call parameters. Can be passed as arguments to the VoxEngine.callUser method.
analyticsLabel: string
| undefined
Optional. Sends custom tags along with the push notification of an incoming call.
callerid: string
CallerID to display to the callee. Usage of whitespaces is not allowed. Normally it is a phone number that can be used for callback. IMPORTANT: test numbers rented from Voximplant cannot be used as CallerID, use only real numbers.
conferenceCall: false
| undefined
| true
Optional. Whether the call is coming from a conference. The default value is false.
disableExtPlayoutDelay: false
| undefined
| true
Optional. Whether to disable the RTP header extension to control playout delay if provided.
disableExtVideoOffset: false
| undefined
| true
Optional. Whether to disable the RTP header extension for transmission offset if provided.
disableExtVideoOrientation: false
| undefined
| true
Optional. Whether to disable the RTP header extension for video orientation, 3gpp:video-orientation, if provided. Browsers that do not support that extension display the video correctly, however, the battery consumption is higher.
disableExtVideoTiming: false
| undefined
| true
Optional. Whether to disable the RTP header extension for video timing if provided.
displayName: string
| undefined
Optional. Name of the caller that is displayed to the user. Normally it is a human-readable version of CallerID, e.g. a person's name.
extraHeaders: {[header: string]: string}
| undefined
Optional. Custom parameters (SIP headers) that should be passed with a call (INVITE) message. Custom header names have to begin with the 'X-' prefix except the 'VI-CallTimeout': '60' which hangs up if there is no answer after the timeout (in seconds, the default value is 60, must not be less than 10 or greater than 400). The "X-" headers can be handled by a SIP phone or WEB SDK (e.g. see the incomingCall event). Example: {'X-header':'value'}.
maxVideoBitrate: number
| undefined
Optional. Sets the maximum possible video bitrate for the customer device in kbps.
pushNotificationTimeout: number
| undefined
Optional. Push notification timeout in milliseconds. Note that the timeout is only triggered after the CallEvents.Failed event with 480 User Offline. The default value is 20000. Must not be less than 10000 or greater than 60000.
scheme: {[id: string]: {audio: any, video: any}}
| undefined
Optional. Internal information about codecs from the AppEvents.CallAlerting event.
username: string
Name of the Voximplant user to call.
video: false
| undefined
| true
Optional. Whether the call has video support. Please note that prices for audio-only and video calls are different!
videoOrientationExtension: false
| undefined
| true
Optional. Whether to send an RTP extension header to communicate video orientation information (a=extmap:12 urn:3gpp:video-orientation
). If false, browsers that do not support that extension are correctly displaying video; however, the battery consumption is higher. The default value is true.