ACDRequest parameters. Can be passed as arguments to the VoxEngine.enqueueACDRequest method.
Add the following line to your scenario code to use the interface:
customData: string
Custom data for the current call object.
headers: {[header: string]: string}
| undefined
Optional. Extra headers to be passed with the call to the agent. Custom header names have to begin with the 'X-' prefix except the 'VI-CallTimeout': '60' which switches to another agent if current one does not answer after the timeout (in seconds, the default value is 60, must not be less than 10 or greater than 400). The "X-" headers could be handled by a SIP phone or WEB SDK (e.g. see the incomingCall event). Example: {'X-header':'value'}
priority: number
Priority (1-100, 1 is the highest priority). If two or more objects have the same priorities, they are handled according to the order of HTTP requests from JS scenario to the ACD queue.
video: boolean
Whether the call has video support. Please note that prices for audio only and video calls are different.