Voximplant SDK Configuration
H264first: boolean
Optional. Whether to use H264 video codec, if available on the target device
enableTrace: boolean
Optional. Whether to show trace in console. The default value is false.
localVideoContainerId: string
Optional. Id of HTMLElement that is used as a default container for local video elements. Local videos are appended to the body element by default
micRequired: boolean
Optional. Whether the microphone access dialog is shown and all functions become available only after user grants access
Node the Voximplant account belongs to. To find which node your account belongs to, log in to your control panel and see the "Credentials for working with API, SDK, SIP" section on the main dashboard.
progressTone: boolean
Optional. Whether to play the progress tones automatically by means of SDK according to specified progressToneCountry. The default value is true.
progressToneCountry: string
COptional. ountry code for progress tone generated automatically if progressTone is set to true. Available values are: RU, US
remoteVideoContainerId: string
Optional. Id of HTMLElement that is used as a default container for remote video elements. Remote videos are appended to the body element by default
rtcStatsCollectionInterval: number
Optional. RTC statistics collection interval in milliseconds. The default value is 1000.
The value should be multiple of 500. If the value is not multiple of 500, it is rounded to the nearest lower suitable value. The minimum value is 500. If set to 0, the statistics are not collected.
Energy saver option: if the device's battery is lower than 30% and the device is not connected to a power outlet, the default value is 10000.
showDebugInfo: boolean
Optional. Whether to show debug info in console. The default value is false.
showWarnings: boolean
Optional. Whether to show warnings. The default value is false.
videoConstraints: VideoSettings
| boolean
Optional. Whether to apply the default constraints on the next attachRecordingDevice function call or if micRequired set to true. IMPORTANT: the value has to be the object. Boolean values exist only in order to ensure backward compatibility.
videoContainerId: string
Optional. Id of HTMLElement that is used as a default container for local video elements, i.e. caller could see himself in this container during the conversation. Local videos are appended to the body element by default.