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Caller ID shuffler

When you implement automated call campaigns to call multiple people, you can face a problem when several people mark your caller ID as spam. As a result, if some people use the caller ID identification software and they receive a call from your automated campaign, it can be marked as "Probably spam". This problem can reduce the efficiency of your automated call campaign.

To reduce the chance of such a problem and increase the efficiency of your campaign, you can use the caller ID shuffler. It means, that your campaign has several caller IDs, and when making a call attempt, the system chooses a caller ID for the call either randomly, or according to a specific logic.

In this article, you will learn how to implement caller ID shuffling

Picking a random caller ID

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In case you need to use just a random caller ID from the pool, you can take the code example from the Call lists article and modify it. Instead of specifying a caller ID at line 6, define an array of possible caller IDs:

const storage = {
  callerIds: ['4593706591', '14029650021', '14752230663', '15073201875', '17015756653', '17015756684'],
  playbackCounter: 0,

After that, before making a calling attempt to a customer, create a random caller ID property and use it instead of the specified caller ID:

let randomCallerId = storage.callerIds[(Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length))];
const call = VoxEngine.callPSTN(storage.phoneNumber, randomCallerId, callPSTNParameters);

This makes calls from a random caller ID each time the system makes a call attempt. The rest of the scenario can be unchanged.

Implementing a complex logic

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You can implement more complex logic for changing caller IDs. For example, you can do the following

  • If there was no attempt to call the current customer, use a random caller ID from the pool.

  • If there was an unsuccessful attempt to call the current customer, the system uses a new phone number from the pool as a caller ID for the next attempt to call this customer.

  • If there was a successful attempt to call the current customer, the system keeps the same caller ID for the next call attempt.

For this logic, you need to use the key-value storage to store the call campaign history.

Here is the ready-to-use scenario example for this case.

Caller ID shuffler

Caller ID shuffler

Refer to the comments in the scenario to understand the logic.