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The SmartQueue reporting tool allows you to gather information such as:

  • The number of answered/missed/declined calls per queue

  • The number of agents and their statuses (ready/in service/after service/banned/etc.)

  • The amount of time spent in each status per agent (including the time to answer a call)

  • The number of waiting clients per queue

  • The number of clients who ended the call before reaching an agent

  • Average client waiting time per queue

  • Much more!

You can use all this information for your statistics or the agent's workplace information panel.


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How to request real-time reports

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To get the current status of a SmartQueue, including all available agents, their statuses, and the time spent in each status, use the GetSQState method:

Get current state

Get current state

To get the metrics for a specified queue for the last 30 minutes, including all the information about agents and queues, use the GetSmartQueueRealtimeMetrics method:

30 minutes report

30 minutes report

To get the metrics for a specified queue for the last 2 days, including all the information about agents and queues, use the GetSmartQueueDayHistory method:

2 days report

2 days report

In the response to these requests, you get a JSON with the requested data. Please note, that the response JSON's format depends on the type of your request, which you specify in the report_type and group_by parameters. To find all the possible values for these parameters, please refer to our API Reference.

How to request historic reports

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You can request a historic report with all the data for the last half-year and request the reports as CSV tables.

Voximplant keeps reports for the following time intervals:

  • 30-minute interval for the last day

  • 1-hour interval for the last day

  • Daily interval for the last 1/2 year

To request a historic report in a CSV table, use the RequestSmartQueueHistory method:

Request a historic report

Request a historic report

Depending on the report_type and group_by parameters, it generates a special kind of report and returns the report's ID to you. To download or use the report, use the DownloadHistoryReport method:

Download the report

Download the report

Please note, that depending on your request's parameters and date interval, generating a CSV file may take up to an hour. If you need to have faster and more detailed reports (e.g. for 30-minute interval for the last year), you may implement your own backend to store the real-time reports you get with GetSmartQueueRealtimeMetrics/GetSmartQueueDayHistory methods.

List of available reports

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You can receive different sets of reports depending on the type of your activities (calls or messaging) and grouping (by an agent or queue).

Call reports

Here are the metrics you can get via the GetSmartQueueRealtimeMetrics, GetSmartQueueDayHistory, and RequestSmartQueueHistory methods with the group_by parameter set to agent.

The value for the report_type parameter is written in the monospace font.

  • Occupation rate occupancy_rate Percentage of the time agents spend in InService and AfterService statuses. Formula: (IN_SERVICE + AFTER_SERVICE) / (READY + DIALING + IN_SERVICE + AFTER_SERVICE).

  • Utilization rate agent_utilization_rate Percentage of the productive agent time. Formula: (READY + DIALING + IN_SERVICE + AFTER_SERVICE) / (time spent in all statuses except OFFLINE).

  • Unanswered calls count_agent_unanswered_calls Number of not answered calls assigned to an agent.

  • Handled calls count_handled_calls The number of processed calls by an agent.

  • Average postprocessing time average_after_call_worktime Average time agents spend on call postprocessing in AfterService time.

  • Min postprocessing time min_after_call_worktime Minimum time agents spend on call postprocessing in AfterService time.

  • Max postprocessing time max_after_call_worktime Maximum time agents spend on call postprocessing in AfterService time.

  • Average reaction time average_reaction_time Average time from assigning the call to an agent till answering the call. Includes only answered calls.

  • Min reaction time min_reaction_time Minimum time from assigning the call to an agent till answering the call. Includes only answered calls.

  • Max reaction time max_reaction_time Maximum time from assigning the call to an agent till answering the call. Includes only answered calls.

  • Average handling time average_handle_time Average call handling time by agents. This includes time in InService and AfterService statuses.

  • Min handling time min_handle_time Minimum call handling time by agents. This includes time in InService and AfterService statuses.

  • Max handling time max_handle_time Maximum call handling time by agents. This includes time in InService and AfterService statuses.

  • Online time sum_agents_online_time Total time spent by agents in the Online status.

  • Ready time sum_agents_ready_time Total time spent by agents in the Ready status.

  • DND time sum_agents_dnd_time Total time spent by agents in the Do not disturb status.

  • Dialing time sum_agents_dialing_time Total time spent by agents in the Dialing status.

  • In service time sum_agents_in_service_time Total time spent by agents in the InService status.

  • After service time sum_agents_afterservice_time Total time spent by agents in the AfterService status.

  • Banned time sum_agents_banned_time Total time spent by agents in the Banned status.

  • Custom status time sum_agents_custom_1_time Total time spent by agents in a custom status. Specify the desired custom status number.

  • Agents idle time agents_idle_time Average time spent by agents in the Ready and Dialing statuses.

  • Percentile agents idle times percentile_0_25_agents_idle_time, percentile_0_50_agents_idle_time, percentile_0_75_agents_idle_time Percentile values for the time spent by agents in the Ready and Dialing statuses.

Here are the metrics you can get via the GetSmartQueueRealtimeMetrics, GetSmartQueueDayHistory, and RequestSmartQueueHistory methods with the group_by parameter set to queue.

The value for the report_type parameter is written in the monospace font.

  • Service level service_level Percentage of calls answered during first X seconds. Specify the period in the slPeriod parameter.

  • Handled calls count_handled_calls Number of handled calls.

  • Abandoned calls count_abandonment_calls Number of calls in a queue that hang up before reaching an agent.

  • Average waiting time average_time_in_queue Average waiting time in the queue, including answered and missed calls.

  • Min waiting time min_time_in_queue Minimum waiting time in the queue, including answered and missed calls.

  • Max waiting time max_time_in_queue Maximum waiting time in the queue, including answered and missed calls.

  • Average reaction time average_reaction_time Average time from assigning the call to an agent till answering the call. Includes only answered calls.

  • Min reaction time min_reaction_time Minimum time from assigning the call to an agent till answering the call. Includes only answered calls.

  • Max reaction time max_reaction_time Maximum time from assigning the call to an agent till answering the call. Includes only answered calls.

  • Average answer speed average_answer_speed Average time a customer waits in queue before answering. Includes only answered calls.

  • Min answer speed min_answer_speed Minimum time a customer waits in queue before answering. Includes only answered calls.

  • Max answer speed max_answer_speed Maximum time a customer waits in queue before answering. Includes only answered calls.

  • Average handling time average_handle_time Average call handling time by agents. This includes time in InService and AfterService statuses.

  • Min handling time min_handle_time Minimum call handling time by agents. This includes time in InService and AfterService statuses.

  • Max handling time max_handle_time Maximum call handling time by agents. This includes time in InService and AfterService statuses.

  • Average postprocessing time average_after_call_worktime Average time agents spend on call postprocessing in AfterService time.

  • Min postprocessing time min_after_call_worktime Minimum time agents spend on call postprocessing in AfterService time.

  • Max postprocessing time max_after_call_worktime Maximum time agents spend on call postprocessing in AfterService time.

Messaging reports

Here are the metrics you can get via the GetSmartQueueRealtimeMetrics, GetSmartQueueDayHistory, and RequestSmartQueueHistory methods with the group_by parameter set to agent.

The value for the report_type parameter is written in the monospace font.

  • Occupation rate im_agent_occupancy_rate Percentage of the time agents spend in InService and AfterService statuses. Formula: (IN_SERVICE) / (READY + IN_SERVICE).

  • Utilization rate im_agent_utilization_rate Percentage of the productive agent time. Formula: (READY + IN_SERVICE) / (time spent in all statuses except OFFLINE).

  • Unanswered chats im_count_agent_unanswered_chats Number of chats assigned to an agent but not answered.

  • Average reaction time im_average_reaction_time Average time from assigning the chat to an agent till answering. Includes only answered chats.

  • Min reaction time im_min_reaction_time Minimum time from assigning the chat to an agent till answering. Includes only answered chats.

  • Max reaction time im_max_reaction_time Maximum time from assigning the chat to an agent till answering. Includes only answered chats.

  • Online time im_sum_agents_online_time The average time spent by agents in the Online status.

  • Ready time im_sum_agents_ready_time The average time spent by agents in the Ready status.

  • DND time im_sum_agents_dnd_time The average time spent by agents in the Do not disturb status.

  • In service time im_sum_agents_in_service_time The average time spent by agents in the InService status.

  • Banned time im_sum_agents_banned_time The average time spent by agents in the Banned status.

  • Custom status time im_sum_agents_custom_1_time The average time spent by agents in a custom status. Specify the desired custom status number.

  • Blocked chats percentage im_blocked_chats_percentage - Percentage of chats that were closed with the following statuses: NO_AGENT_AVAILABLE, WAITING_TIMEOUT, MAX_WAITING_TIME_REACHED, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_REACHED, INTERNAL_ERROR.

  • Blocked chats count im_count_blocked_chats - Number of chats that were closed with the following statuses: NO_AGENT_AVAILABLE, WAITING_TIMEOUT, MAX_WAITING_TIME_REACHED, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_REACHED, INTERNAL_ERROR.

  • Answered chats rate im_answered_chats_rate - Percentage of answered chats by agents

  • Minimum answer speed im_min_answer_speed - Minimum queue waiting time + DIALING time

  • Maximum answer speed im_max_answer_speed - Maximum queue waiting time + DIALING time

  • Average answer speed im_average_answer_speed - Average queue waiting time + DIALING time

  • Abandoned chats count im_count_abandonment_chats - Total declined IM chats

  • Lost chats count im_count_lost_chats - Total blocked and declined IM chats

Here are the metrics you can get via the GetSmartQueueRealtimeMetrics, GetSmartQueueDayHistory, and RequestSmartQueueHistory methods with the group_by parameter set to queue.

The value for the report_type parameter is written in the monospace font.

  • Service level im_service_level Percentage of chats answered during first X seconds. Specify the period in the slPeriod parameter. Tasks with this status were answered and processed by an agent.

  • Lost chats rate im_lost_chats_rate Percentage of the lost chats.

  • Average waiting time average_answer_speed Average waiting time until the agent's answer. Includes only answered chats.

  • Min waiting time min_answer_speed Minimum waiting time until the agent's answer. Includes only answered chats.

  • Max waiting time max_answer_speed Maximum waiting time until the agent's answer. Includes only answered chats.

  • Average reaction time im_average_reaction_time Average time from assigning the chat to an agent till answering. Includes only answered chats.

  • Min reaction time im_min_reaction_time Minimum time from assigning the chat to an agent till answering. Includes only answered chats.

  • Max reaction time im_max_reaction_time Maximum time from assigning the chat to an agent till answering. Includes only answered chats.