customData: undefined
| object
Custom data of the conversation (up to 5kb).
direct: undefined
| false
| true
Specifies if the conversation is direct. There can be only 2 participants in a direct conversation which is unique and the only one for these participants. There can't be more than 1 direct conversation for the same 2 users. If one of these users tries to create a new direct conversation with the same participant via Messenger.createConversation, the method will return the UUID of the already existing direct conversation. A direct conversation can't be uber and/or public.
The conversation participants. The participants array can be changed via:
publicJoin: undefined
| false
| true
The conversation to be public or not. It can be changed via [Conversation.publicJoin}. If true, any user can join the conversation via Messenger.joinConversation by specifying its UUID. Use the Messenger.getPublicConversations method to retrieve all public conversations' UUIDs. A public conversation can't be direct.
uber: undefined
| false
| true
Specifies if the conversation is a uber conversation. Users in a uber conversation will not be able to retrieve messages that were posted to the conversation after they quit. A uber conversation can't be direct.