Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.40.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.53.0
VINode is a required parameter to establish the connection with the Voximplant Cloud. Find more information about VINode in the getting started guide.
Update example project
Resolve dart static analyzer issues
Update dependency constraints to
- sdk: '>=2.18.0 <4.0.0'
- flutter: '>=3.3.0'
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.39.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.52.0
Change minimum iOS deployment target to 12.0
Introduce VINode enum
VIClient.connect API now takes an optional parameter to specify the node the Voximplant account belongs to
Fix(android): End all calls on Flutter engine detach
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.38.2 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.51.0
Fix(android): VILocalVideoDegradation is not processed correctly in native code
Fix(android): crash if the resolution of the video stream changes at the same moment when the renderer is removed
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.37.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.50.0
Introduce new API to handle video receive stop on a remote video stream and its reason (see 3.10.0-beta changelog)
Fix(ios): crash on receiving a message during a call
Fix(ios): crash on remove video renderer that does not exist anymore
Fix(ios): crash on rendering local video when an iPhone is rotated
Remove e2e from dev_dependencies
This is a beta SDK version. Not recommended for production use.
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.37.0-beta and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.50.0-beta
The result of VIEndpoint.startReceiving and VIEndpoint.stopReceiving API call is now provided via events:
Introduce new API to handle video receive stop on a remote video stream:
Introduce new API VIVideoStreamReceiveStopReason to handle the reason for video receive stop on a remote video stream.
Fix(ios): crash on receiving a message during a call
Fix(ios): crash on remove video renderer that does not exist anymore
Fix(ios): crash on rendering local video when an iPhone is rotated
Remove e2e from dev_dependencies
Update iOS platform code to use Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.12
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.34.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.11
Fix(android): "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Reply already submitted" on VIClient.getClientState() API call
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.33.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.10
Fix for #43
Hotfix for quality issues events:
- Unhandled exception on processing VIQualityIssueLevel
- Unhandled exception on processing VIFrameSize on iOS platform
Introduce new APIs to monitor issues that affect call quality #35:
- VICall.qualityIssuesStream - stream to handle quality issues.
- VICall.currentQualityIssues - get current status for all quality issues.
Fix for #37
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.32.4 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.8
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.32.3 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.7
Introduce VIClientConfig.forceRelayTraffic API to force the media to go through TURN servers.
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.32.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.4
Introduce new APIs to restore the connection to the Voximplant Cloud if it was closed due to network issues during a call:
- VIClientState.Reconnecting - client state representing that the client is reconnecting to the Voximplant Cloud
- VICall.onCallReconnecting - notifies that the SDK is reconnecting to the Voximplant Cloud and media streams may not be active
- VICall.onCallReconnected - notifies that the SDK is successfully reconnected to the Voximplant Cloud and media streams are restored
- VICallError.ERROR_RECONNECTING - call error that informs that a call operation cannot be completed while a call is reconnecting
Introduce simulcast feature support for video conference. Simulcast is currently disabled by default, but can be enabled via VICallSettings.enableSimulcast parameter.
Introduce new APIs to control remote video streams in a video conference call:
- VIEndpoint.startReceiving - Starts receiving video on the video stream.
- VIEndpoint.stopReceiving - Stops receiving video on the video stream.
- VIEndpoint.requestVideoSize - Requests the specified video size for the video stream. The stream resolution may be changed to the closest to the specified width and height.
Introduced VIEndpoint.onVoiceActivityStarted and VIEndpoint.onVoiceActivityStopped API to handle voice activity of an endpoint in a conference call.
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.28.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.45.0
Fix for #24
Introduce VILogListener
Migrate to null safety
Minimum Dart SDK version increased to 2.12.0
Minimum Flutter SDK version increased to 1.20.0
API changes:
Voximplant.getAudioDeviceManager() -> Voximplant.audioDeviceManager
Voximplant.getCameraManager() -> Voximplant.cameraManager
Voximplant.getMessenger() -> Voximplant.messenger
Added named
argument to, VIClient.conference() and VICall.answer()Other changes:
VIConversation.title field nullability changed to nullable
VIConversationConfig.title field nullability changed to nullable
VIAuthResult.loginTokens field nullability changed to nullable
Minor internal improvements
Fix for #20
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.21.3 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.36.2
VIAudioFile._type private field changed to VIAudioFile.type public final field
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.21.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.35.0
Fix VICall.onCallAudioStarted callback execution on iOS
Fix a bug leading to non-execution of VIAudioFile.stop() Future in some cases
Fix a crash on stop non-looped VIAudioFile (iOS)
Reformat code according to Dartfmt
Fix VIAudioDeviceManager.getAudioDevice always throws issue
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.20.4 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.34.3
Introduce VIAudioFile API
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.19.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.33.0
Introduce Messaging API
Fix for #14
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.17.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.31.0
Supporting the new Android plugins APIs based on FlutterPlugin
VIClient.conference method added value added
VIEndpoint.onEndpointRemoved callback added
Update iOS platform code to use Voximplant iOS SDK 2.30.0
Xcode 11.4 support added
VIVideoRenderer null handling improvements
VIClient bundleId won't be set to native SDK if it is null
VIVideoFlags incorrect initialisation fix
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.16.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.29.0
Improve video rendering on iOS
VICameraManager.selectCamera is now available for iOS
Add VICall.getCallDuration API
Update iOS platform code to use Voximplant iOS SDK 2.26.0
Add 'VI' prefix to public API to avoid conflicts with other packages
Add video call functionality
Add camera management functionality
Improve multiple call management
Improve error descriptions for iOS
Public API will no longer throw PlatformException. All exceptions are now wrapped with VIException. Error codes for VIClient and VICall are described in VIClientError and VICallError classes.
Fix build issues in example project
Changed minimum Flutter SDK version to 1.10.0
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.15.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.25.2
Native code refactoring
Add API for CallKit integration on iOS platform
Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.14.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.25.1