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Indicates that local video is encoded by a codec different from the specified one. See IQualityIssueListener.onCodecMismatch(ICall, QualityIssueLevel, String) for details.


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Indicates that a network-based media latency is detected in the call. See IQualityIssueListener.onHighMediaLatency(ICall, QualityIssueLevel, double) for details.


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Indicates that ICE connection is switched to the "disconnected" state during the call. See IQualityIssueListener.onIceDisconnected(ICall, QualityIssueLevel) for details.


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Indicates that the video resolution sent to the endpoint is lower than a captured video resolution. See IQualityIssueListener.onLocalVideoDegradation(ICall, QualityIssueLevel, int, int, int, int) for details.


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Indicates that the current bitrate is insufficient for sending video in the current resolution. See IQualityIssueListener.onLowBandwidth(ICall, QualityIssueLevel, double, double) for details.


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Indicates that no audio received on one or more IRemoteAudioStream.

The issue level obtained from ICall.getCurrentQualityIssues() may be:

  1. QualityIssueLevel.NONE that indicates that audio is receiving on all remote audio streams.
  2. QualityIssueLevel.CRITICAL that indicates a problem with audio receive on at least one remote audio stream.

See IQualityIssueListener.onNoAudioReceive(ICall, QualityIssueLevel, IRemoteAudioStream, IEndpoint) for details.


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Indicates that no audio is captured by the microphone. See IQualityIssueListener.onNoAudioSignal(ICall, QualityIssueLevel) for details.


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Indicates that no video received on one or more IRemoteVideoStream.

The issue level obtained from ICall.getCurrentQualityIssues() may be:

  1. QualityIssueLevel.NONE that indicates that video is receiving on all remote video streams according to their configuration.
  2. QualityIssueLevel.CRITICAL that indicates a problem with video receive on at least one remote video stream.

See IQualityIssueListener.onNoVideoReceive(ICall, QualityIssueLevel, IRemoteVideoStream, IEndpoint) for details.


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Indicates packet loss for last 2.5 seconds. See IQualityIssueListener.onPacketLoss(ICall, QualityIssueLevel, double) for details.