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Media players

This article will explain all approaches to playing a synthesized speech or a pre-recorded media file during a call or a conference.


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Single media player

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VoxEngine provides the Player module which allows you to play media files and text-to-speech blocks.

To use Player during an incoming call, first answer a call. You can use the startEarlyMedia method to broadcast speech before the call is answered to create a greeting or a voicemail prompt.

  • Use the createURLPlayer method to play media files. It accepts two arguments: the first is the media file URL string, the second argument is URLPlayerOptions. Follow this link to learn about player options.

After you create a TTS or an URL player, you need to broadcast it to an active call via the sendMediaTo method.

Refer to the code example below to understand how the Player module works:

Player usage sample

Player usage sample

You can use the URL player to integrate 3rd-party TTS voices, such as OpenAI TTS, and use them in your scenario.

Media player number limit

Please note, that the maximum number of media players per JS session (one scenario) is 10.

Sequence player

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TTS player and URL player are suitable when you have one or two tracks that you want to play either independently or in sequence.

However, if you want to play two tracks sequentially, for example, speech synthesis (TTS player), and a pre-recorded media file (URL player), you need to independently process all the events of the first player and manage the second player (subscribe to the events of the first player, process it correctly, then launch the second player, etc.).

Multiple players approach

Multiple players approach

But what if we need to play more than two tracks, for example, 5 tracks? In this case, SequencePlayer comes to an aid. It accepts so-called “segments” as input (essentially settings for each player), and then it creates all the players sequentially and independently processes and manages their events.

The segments can be either text synthesis or media files. You can specify parameters for each segment specifically, e.g. you can choose different voices for each part of the player. Take a look at the code example:

Sequence player approach

Sequence player approach

Sequence player has all the necessary tools for configuration and event management. Learn more about the sequence player's API in the API reference section.