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Messages: send, edit, delete

This article will teach you how to send, edit, and delete messages in a Voximplant IM conversation.


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Send a message

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Use the sendMessage method to send a message to a conversation.

To receive messages, handle the message-sending events. Take a look at how we implement it in the code:

Send a message

Send a message

Edit a message

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Use the Message.update method to edit your message.

With default permissions, users can edit their own messages only. Users with the canEditAll permissions can also edit others' messages.


To track changes in other messages, you have to subscribe to the didEditMessage/onEditMessage and didRemoveMessage/onRemoveMessage

Edit a message

Edit a message

Delete a message

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Use the Message.remove method to delete a message from the conversation.

With default permissions, users can delete their own messages only. Users with the canRemoveAll permissions can also delete others' messages.


To track changes in other messages, you have to subscribe to the didEditMessage/onEditMessage and didRemoveMessage/onRemoveMessage

Delete a message

Delete a message

Download our demos

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Here you can download our instant messaging demos for multiple platforms for your instance: